Burial Insurance Center

Burial Insurance You Can Afford!

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About Us

We help you protect your loved ones so that they will not have to borrow money or do a GoFundMe to bury you when you die. You can leave this policy for:

  • Burial or cremation.
  • To leave some money behind to your loved ones.
  • To help your loved one transition from a two-income to a one-income househlod after your pass away.
  • To leave money to pay any pending medical bills after you are gone.

Our agents are licensed in Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin and West Virginia.

We work with insurance companies on your behalf, shopping and negotiating to get you the lowest rates and best policy for you and your family.

To speak to an agent about affordable burial insurance, call any of these numbers:



Monday - Saturday
8:00AM - 5:00PM

  • Burial Insurance
  • Cremation Insurance
  • About
  • Contact

Not all Insurance products are available in every states. Product eligibility for each insurance carrier depends on the resident state of the insured person, age, and underwriting guidelines. For plans with no waiting period, the applicant has to be approved by the insuring carrier and is subject to the incontestability period. Guaranteed acceptance coverage is subject to the insuring carrier set waiting period prior to benefits become payable under the policy's regulations.

By submitting a form through any page on our website, you consent and expect to be contacted via text, email, direct mail and phone by a licensed agent through manual dialing or automated dialing platform.

Your information will NOT be shared or sold to a third party.

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